I had originally taken this picture in color and while editing tried to see how it might look in black and white. To my amazement the berries seemed more luscious and vibrant inspite of being stripped of their colors. The pitch black had borrowed light and was making a few stray rays its own.
Dreams take their,
Nocturnal flight,
And the reins
Of imagination,
Escape into oblivion,
Like silt
From my clutches,
It takes a moon,
An eyeful of stars,
And the pitch black,
Mouth of a sky,
To churn
In its blinding canvas,
the morning's sudden
As a child I always said to my mom (looking at her marriage pics), you look more beautiful in black and white..
And the mention of dreams.. i always wondered whats the difference when i had a coloured ream and when it was black and white.. whats wrong with the rods and cones in my eyes...Now i see it as god's way of showing us beauty in different forms.
u're right..it looks beautiful in black and white..perhaps more than it would have in colour
Hi Amit, Rohan,
Thank you for both of your comments!
What really struck me about this picture is something you'll see if you click on the pic for a full size view....the little flowers above the berries seem like they were made of some oxidized silver or something. There is a preserved look to it. I think that black and white pictures evoke nostalgia and the mysterious shroud of history. That is why it simplifies the hues and makes us wonder more about the situation in which these photos were taken rather than just the visual delight they bring.
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